既然有這麼多朋友都忘了彼此的花名( NICK NAME) , 就讓我來和你們補習一下.
黃忠明 - GOLDEN , GEORGE(比較少人知道)
蕭宏昌 - UNTA ( 已去世的PUAN CHAEH 安的花名 )
黃家結 - 結家寶 ( KIKAPOH - 汽水) LATEST- 大牛
周振興 - CHEW CHOO ( 木薯的HOKKIEN發音)
陳德志 - 橙的汁, 雞(最流行) LATEST- 火雞
莊輝強 - 腦魔
尤聯祥 - 馬LIN
陳健強 - 粗王 ( 懷念的朋友 )
黃志雄 - ANG MOH ( 紅毛 )
陳志豪 - 馬騮
謝春強 - 春LON ( 春旦 )
邱國榮 - ET ( 最出名)
吳松源 - 貓
李照庭 - BELUN , 蕉TENG ( 蕉硬 )
翁子義 - AH GAIK ( 玉 )
陳月貞 - TIGER
許賓香賓 - 張XX
黃莉珠 - 母雞
蔡愛玲 - 大姐
黃心怡 - 奶媽
黎文萍 - 白人
林惠卿 - 蘑菰
何莉莉 - HOLICK
伍明珍 - 阿婆
黃碧珊 - 放屁山, GORENG PISANG
吳曼珍 - AGOR ( 鵝 )
陳美麗 - TUA TAN ( 大陳 )
羅曉彤 - SOTONG
絞盡腦汁也只能想得出那麼多, 如有漏掉, 容后補上.
老祖宗 - 君正
哈哈哈哈, 只為了讓你們一笑, 冒著被砍的風險哦......
2008-04-30 21:12:39
YY, don't worry. I believe there is a badminton player from China whose name sounds like Ma Lin too. It's not a vulgar word but the damn nickname given by Lai Ha Mah (the toad) is a vulgar one. Anyway, if you call me with that nickname...I will just walk straight without answering you....because:
1. I don't recognise you
2. I may mistaken you as talking about the property of a horse
2008-04-30 20:16:49
2008-04-30 18:38:33
雞 ,不是submarine, 是 Titanic, 剛剛重見天日!!
Churn, 他們要free handphone & reload, 只要叫他們ON RIA sent to 32xxx 就可以了嘛!! haha !!
wah ! 老姨還沒過四十大關就口不遮言, 馬 Lin 長, 馬 Lin 短的, 不怕 你的Hakka 佬吃乾醋 meh!!
2008-04-29 11:14:29
2008-04-29 09:27:16
YY, I don't need a handphone but RM50 free top up value for my Digi prepaid phone is good enough. I am not too demanding...I give CC face as usual. If not for him I could be sleeping at the road side about 20 years ago in KL :)
2008-04-28 19:52:53
曼珍&LS,不然我们就召集榜上有花名的同学们一起来个protest老祖宗的聚会(07/06一起来)?然后老祖宗必须每人赠送一台手机给“受害者”?然后受害者可以点名要什么brand的手机啦!要怎样的function的啦!什么颜色啦!还要加埋每月RM30的免费通话费啦!.......A!你们以为狮子开大口吗?才不呢!老祖宗大老板觉得才sup-sup water......还学埋他整天说的...nia......... gok....!
2008-04-28 09:45:20
Ban Tine, Protest!!! I support you!!
It's an insult to the ladies because they cannot use the vulgar nicknames when they call us :)
2008-04-27 21:55:02
ban tine to yy,
you know what, actually I want to thank CC for giving me such beautiful nickname, as for my 'good friend' the nickname is quite 'pelek'. I want to protest !!!.
2008-04-26 22:06:26
2008-04-26 15:46:00
LS,you should be proud to title this nick name for past 20 years. 尤其是yy更希望她的hakkalao 可以有一个像你的花名。
2008-04-26 12:51:25
I think the worst nick names here are mine and Chee Pong. Both are vulgar words...sigh!!!!
No good morning for me. Saturday and Sunday I still need to go back to the office because the stupid building always have to upgrade/repair something related to the power supply. I have to go back to shutdown/power up 20-30 servers all by myself. $%#@$
2008-04-26 12:45:03
YY, wah....do you know what's the meaning of the nickname? It's a vulgar word!!!! Thanks to CC.
This is the only place I still have to use my Mandarin knowledge. Good to revive it by reading since I don't read Chinese magazines/newspapers.
YY, all friends started as strangers. There must be a starting point somewhere. This could be our place :)
2008-04-26 09:57:29
马Lin,其实这个部落也幸亏有像你这样的人,即使不认识我也可以和我pat到wu lai wu khi。这是多么难得的啊!只可惜我的ang mor不能霹雳啪啦!不然就更好玩。不过,你也真好,那么讨厌中文,却因为要为部落保温而被逼读中文,所以hor....!这个世界是充满希望的!早安!希望今天,我们都开始着美丽的早晨。
2008-04-26 08:21:23
YY, true...true. I think Teck Chee himself has been a submarine too. Just reading ...not writing...haha.
Sorry, Teck Chee. I have to reveal your secret...not so secret anymore actually. He would not be calling me to help setting up my Chinese PC setting issue if he wasn't here. :)
Anyway, it's better than not coming here at all. Never mind, YY will keep this blog alive :)
Maybe I can help by start scolding each and everyone. So that they will respond...haha
I know someone telling me. "Difficult to type Chinese....my English is bad". Can use Malay, Hokkien, Hakka, Tamil, etc also lah....
2008-04-25 20:27:18
我说德志啊!你是多久没上来所以懵懂到不行了。黎文萍和蕭宏昌的留言還有goreng pisang是去年发生的事情啦!
2008-04-25 17:30:37
而且還有goreng pisang?!
2008-04-25 17:28:02
那天打電話給伍志榮,才知道原來很多人都是來看不寫的!kek sim到我啊!還以爲這邊已經冷到要關門了咧!嗚嗚嗚。。。
2008-04-25 10:05:42
我,在这之前从来没有在任何一个部落活跃过,我也认为网上没有善男信女,但是自从接触了SMP和KEAT HWA的部落,我重新找回失去联结多年的朋友的这些日子,脸上总是带着难掩的喜悦之情,就连职员也这么说:“老板娘你是中马票了吗,不然为何时而隐隐笑。”
P/S:我的外号yy来源在我看到李秀凤的照片,想起杨丽婷的时候就记起来了。哈哈哈!幼稚到半死,因为F.3时很哈日(疯日本明星),就用偶像的名字当作是自己的日本名啦!杨丽婷叫MACHI(近腾真彦),我叫yy(山本阳一)。好笑吗?但那却是我的sweet 16 !
2008-04-25 09:00:30
KK, actually there are people who come here often but never posted anything for ages. That person told me personally on the phone days ago. :)
They're just like submarines. They peep through the water daily, then disappear...haha. You don't even know they're spying on you...:)
2008-04-24 23:30:08
yy, 很感謝你為這部落格保溫 . 看你們每一天都在這, 我感到好慚愧!! 才短短的幾個月, 好多人已消失得無影無蹤(當然這也包括我在內). 真的是忙嗎 ? 難道連上來看一看(像我一樣)都不可以嗎 ?
哈 哈 ! 好象一百步笑五十步, 但話說回來, 看回到幾個月前的真的好溫馨! 像這篇花名篇真的讓人回味無窮!! 什么白人, AGOR, SOTONG , 奶媽等等.... 也只有老祖宗才有這個本事.
2007-10-17 19:12:09
Goreng Pisang, 香蕉很"社滖"妳咩? 這麼一個健康的水果, 妳會很討厭它? 還是妳把它給想歪了.............
2007-10-17 18:31:00
2007-10-17 10:50:46
死GOLDEN , 牠叫"小強" 啦,很高興哦, 說到"小強"...
等一天我用英文寫一篇你的浪漫史,說說你見女追女, 蒜頭和LAI SAN的例子, 給你老婆看, 你BARU 知死....哈哈哈哈.
2007-10-17 08:47:06
君正 & 萧宏昌,
Now I know who Boon Lee was, I have forgotten that he did join us if you didn't mention it. His family is my neighbor, unfortunately he passed away around 10 years ago due to cancer.
Cheong, is he your 老表?
2007-10-16 18:28:44
除了联祥以前经常被我捉弄以外,现在又多出一个你曾经被我“欺负”。。。天啊。。。。!!我真怕陆续还有以前曾经被我欺负的老同学都站出来“ 指控”我呀!好像联祥当年长得那么的“小个子”被我欺负并不奇怪,想不到连你这个从小就“高头大马”的,我竟然也敢惹!?!哇....!现在回想起来我也真的蛮“大胆”的哦!哈哈....老同学:你“大人”有“大量”,就请你原谅我过去所犯的错吧!好吗?哈哈...文璧:你也赶快出来认错吧!我现在是住在Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.没错!外国人的确喜欢来沙巴州旅游,也许是因为外国佬喜欢沙巴的山明水秀吧!?
2007-10-16 13:04:43
hahaha......君正...hahahaha...(can't stop laughing...) ...I remember that incident hahaha..... BTW, do you still remember which 'cockroach' that attacked you :) ;): ) or how it looked at least if you don't know its name? Shall we give the "Hero" cockroach a name...say 阿军(君). Told you not to squat and read newspaper in the toilet for hours but you never listened... hahaha... Don't worry, we will form a professional cockroach-killer team(consist of Ah Cheong, Ah Kheng, Ah Kei and myself) to get rid of 阿军and 阿军的同党 以报你当年一"吓"之仇!!!
2007-10-16 11:04:19
Simon, Boon Li is the fat guy, don't know he is whose 老表, join us for a while only. The 阿伯's daughter name Lai San, Cheong n Golden try to "chase" on her. Nothing sangkut with me.BTW, after 20 over years, we can try to start from 阿伯's house, all the way walk to Queensbay, OK???? Cheong n Golden sure will join us this time...
2007-10-15 21:53:34
君正 & 萧宏昌 (cheong, not original):
We didn't meet since our British Council class, that was long enough. I still remember those days we were staying at King Street when studyig in Beitish Council. I cant remember who Boon Lee is but I am sure Golden, 君正 & 德志 were with us. Is Boon Lee the daughter of our landlord? If I am not mistaken she liked 君正, was that true 君正? She rushed into toilet to rescued you when she heard you scream y being 'attacked' by the croaches. BTW, were you had your pants on? Btw, British Council has moved closer to Jetty, so next time we can walk from Jetty to Gurney Drive. Actually we did walk to Komtar...
2007-10-15 20:01:36
君正 to
白人(文萍) , Goreng Pisang ( 碧珊) : 你們故意選這裡是為了提醒大家你們當年的外號嗎? 還懷念你們的外號嗎? 整整二十年沒有人這樣叫你們了.
Unta: 別忘了Lai San 啊, 你和Golden 的貓貓之意, 我們都看在眼裡. 還記得半夜賭博一分錢的嗎? 雞和GOLDEN 還整晚為了一分錢來吵架, 還給阿伯罵, 第二天嬴了兩角錢去喝"冰絞茶". 晚上還去舊關仔角吃水果,還有晚餐. SIMON慶, 你還騙我, 讓我們和你從舊關仔角走到新關仔角, 又從那邊走回來, 走到半死.....
2007-10-15 19:43:48
碧珊to Boon Ping,
Actually I not good in pinyin too,but I have typist (my husband) unfortunately today he 'mogok' soo I have to tapy in englist..My parent move toS P since 2004 and now I staying at Ampang ,warking in Ampang Puteri specialist Hospital.by the way what is d VSS?
2007-10-15 16:20:46
每当想到要用汉语拼音留言都满头大汗. (到这里已经要15分钟了) . So better use ang moh!
Hi 佩玲, Remember me? You and 文壁 used to bully me when we were in Standard 6B. Churn told me you are in Sabah. I heard Sabah is a very interesting place. Attracting a lot of foreign tourists. Which area of Sabah you are at?
傅文慶 (Simon Kheng), How long already we haven't met? I think since we graduated. Still remember those days when we were in Penang with Golden, 君正、德志 and Boon Lee? British Council, Swiming pool, Penang Road Cendol and..... Good old days!!! Do you know where is Boon Lee now?I won't be there for next week gathering. Sorry Guys!! For those who will be there, please squeeze all your "brain juice" to bad mouth Saw Panjang. Can someone please consolidate the infor and share it with everybody here. TQ
2007-10-15 14:52:37
黎 文 萍to 碧 姍,
hai, how are u? actually i'm not good in pinyin, i take half an hour to find your name.where u now?your parents still stay at sg. petani?I take d VSS, so now working with my husband.Are u still like last time, tak gemuk ke? I'm very happy because at here i can find the past sweet time........
2007-10-01 21:37:03
Lean Siang:
OK!!! Thank you for translating to Mandarin since I don't know how to type in Mandarin...haha
2007-10-01 21:34:15
馬LIN 說的:
魏文祥 - 白馬, 馬志雄 - 烏馬( 黑馬) 何世良 - 金條, 還有DATUK. 葉莉珠 - 葉亞來 黃翠仙 - 醉八仙.
聯祥, OK?
2007-10-01 21:24:42
Lean Siang:
Just to add another one that I missed.
Tan Chee Beng: Jek Pen Ping (in Mandarin means Japanese Army). Nickname given back in primary school. Not many people are aware of it in secondary school. Maybe the owner also cannot remember.
2007-10-01 21:11:52
Lean Siang:
Oi! Bad word is not allowed!! Lai Ci Tan (Chicken's's egg)!! Hehe...I knew you would create this kind of list...
You missed:
1. Wei Wen Shyang: White Horse (Translate to Mandarin lah)
2. Ma Chee Seong: Black Horse (Translate to Hokkien)
3. Ho Shee Leong: Kim Tiau (Hokkien) or Cing Thiau (Mandarin) - meaning Gold Bar
4. Yap Lee Choo: Yap Ah Loy
5. Ooi Choi Sian: Choi Pak Sian (Mandarin) - Meaning Drunken God
6. Of course, Lai Chwing Churn: Lai Ci Tan (Mandarin) - Lai "Chicken's Egg"