12 May 2009

Attendance: Please Sign Up!

Since a few of our friends told me they didn't know what to write when visiting this blog. I searched all around the internet for a widget that allow people to sign their names but I could not find any.

So I have decided to make my life simple by creating this article just to encourage all the visitors to sign up like an attendance sheet. Yeah, does it remind you of your schooling days from standard one which the teacher had to take your attendance? This is exactly what I am doing now to find out how many of our friends have visited this blog.

Basically, what you have to do is add your name by clicking at the comment. It's as simple as that.

Visitors, please sign up!!


Update 13/5/2009 11.45pm:

A message gadget was added at the side bar. Feel free to leave short message.
To edit the box setting such as change color, font etc, log on to http://cbox.ws/
username : smp1988home@gmail.com; password: 19880000


Umbrella Rec said...

Lean Siang

yy said...


方师奶 said...

Pei Ling (PL)

LC said...


WK said...


Anonymous said...

Yen Foo

Liew said...


老帅哥 said...


Umbrella Rec said...

老帅哥 = Uncle Lai Chwing Churn. Now you don't have to write your name anymore..haha

LC said...
